Arquitectura Avanzada 
QRO - AD2024

Repair the School / School of Repair:
How will we learn spatial practice in the future?


Concentración de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 

Laboratorio de Arquitectura Avanzada

Arquitectura Avanzada
QRO - AD2024

Guest Lectures and Workshops 

As the semester continues, we will upload photos and recordings of guest lectures and workshops.

Module 1

Celia Chaussabel
Katie Rotman
Paola Barragan
Paola Barcena
Sara Martínez
Liz Harzbecher
Christian Robles
Mercedes Cabrera
Ana Jimena Luna
Gerardo Martínez
Ciudad Justa
Café de la Paz

2024-08-12       (00)
In person, 




Module 1

Elpitha Tsoutsounakis
Antonio O’Connell
Tommy Schaperkotter
Francois Sabourin

2023-08-17       (00)
In person, not recorded.  Gaspar Cruz and Emmanuel Castro let our class fill up a truck with construction waste from the site of a new housing development in Zakia at the edge of the city.

2023-08-24       (01)
Virtual, recorded. Elpitha Tsoutsounakis, of University of Utah, shares her practices of care and relation-building with more-than-human worlds, including deep multiscalar material research on ochre and color.

2023-08-28       (02)
In-person, not recorded. Antonio O’Connell, architect/artist/sculptor, invites us to re-think architecture and walks us through the processes and ideas behind his work. He also gives feedback at our progress pin-up.

2023-08-30       (03)
Virtual, recorded. Tommy Schaperkotter, of GSAPP, Cooper Union, and Parsons, tells the hidden material stories behind the Seagram Building as a case study to understand metabolic rifts and reconceptualize buildings as ever moving socio-ecological projects.

2023-09-12       (04)
Virtual, recorded. Francois Sabourin, of Kent State and yyyy-mm-dd, talks about designing with indeterminacy and uncertainty, making games about change over time and many possible non-definitive scenarios, and architecture that moves.

Module 2

Israel Viadest
Fabien Girardin 
Arturo de la Fuente
Andrew Economos Miller
Multidisciplinary design students of Elpitha Tsoutsounakis
Elif Erez
Roberto Ledezma + Reurba
Virginia Covarrubias + BRED

2023-09-18       (05)
In person, not recorded. Israel Viadest, of Near Future Laboratory, guides us in a weeklong workshop to speculate about and design various future scenarios through world-building artifacts and maps.

2023-09-21       (06)
Virtual, recorded. Fabien Girardin, of Near Future Laboratory, talks about the Futures in Maps project and gives us a tutorial on design fiction.

2023-09-27       (07)
In person, not recorded. Arturo de la Fuente, of Grupo MSH, shares his process algorithmic design and digital fabrication across many project scales.

2023-10-04       (08)
Virtual, recorded. Andrew Economos Miller, of Kent State University and Kean University, takes us on a journey through the trash pile by exploring multiple frames and scenes of two key ideas: refuse and repose.

2023-10-04       (09)
Virtual, recorded. We held a virtual Tec-Utah Research Symposium where our students and the multidisciplinary design students of Elpitha Tsoutsounakis at University of Utah came together to share research and discuss ideas .

2023-10-10       (10)
Virtual, recorded. Elif Erez, of Harvard GSD and bags, shares her research about legal interventions and policy frameworks behind timber reuse infrastructures.

2023-10-13       (11)
In-person, not recorded. Roberto Ledezma, of Reurba Reciclados Urbanos, teaches us about construction waste and barriers to recycling in Querétaro. He shows us around his construction waste material bank, the process of sorting gravel, and various material experiments.

2023-10-13       (12)
In-person, not recorded. Virginia Covarrubias, Erika Flores, and Susana Mayorga, of BRED, share the social + material work of the organization, a clothing + home goods material bank dedicated to working towards a circular solidarity economy centering oft-marginalized communities in Querétaro.

Module 3

GTA Ambiental + Karla Cuevas
José María Oliveros
Amelia Gan
Celia Chaussabel

Alejandro Saldarriaga
Amelyn Ng and Gabriel Vergara
Mario Marchant
Karla Mejía +
Jorge León +
Paola Alvarado 

2023-10-30       (13)
Virtual, recorded. Alejandro Saldarriaga, of Alsar Atelier and Northeastern University Design Fellow, shows us the architecture of magical realism and shares four ephemeral projects with us.

2023-11-01       (14)
In person, not recorded. Armando López, Fernando López, and Paulina Cortina, of GTA Ambiental, take us on a digital tour of Querétaro’s main recycling facility and all of the steps in the sorting process.

2023-11-01       (15)
Virtual, recorded. Celia Chaussabel, of MIT, shares research from her work at Rotor and talks about visibilizing material stories in marketplaces, cultivating reuse networks, and designing for uncertainty through loose drawings.

2023-11-01       (16)
Virtual, recorded. Mario Marchant, of Universidad de Chile, shares research on the political histories of the public bathroom and its potential as collective infrastructure.

2023-11-02       (17)
Virtual, recorded.  Amelia Gan, Harvard GSD Irving Innovation fellow, shares her work on reuse, decay, and time: one project examining memory through digital-physical translation processes, and another that creates CAD tools for bio-based materials while building in material life cycles, climate conditions, and material availabilities specific to place.

2023-11-03       (18)
In person, not recorded.  José María Oliveros , of GOMA and JOOF arquitectura, talks about conservation, building reuse and recycling, and cultural heritage in the context of Querétaro.

2023-11-09       (19)
In person, not recorded. Our class goes on a city-wide expedition to collect construction waste from municipal infrastructure projects, wood offcuts from a carpentry shop, and exhibition discard from a local museum.

2023-11-17       (20)
In person, not recorded. Our class wrapped up an intensive week of constructing our collective installation made of found and reused materials (both as-found and processed into new material types). See Projects tab for more photos.

2023-11-22       (21)
Virtual, recorded. Amelyn Ng and Gabriel Vergara, of RISD and Universidad Andres Bello respectively, share their wide-ranging and profound investigations on material exchange, waste, and remaking across two exhibitions: Planetary Home Improvement and D.E.P.O.T. / Gross Domestic Practices.

2023-11-22       (22)
Virtual, recorded. Karla Mejía, Jorge León, and Paola Alvarado, of Tecnológico de Monterrey School of Architecture campus Querétaro, share research results from “Atlas of Local Repair Ecologies: Mapping Circular Economies and Solidarity Economies in Queretaro” tutored by Cynthia Deng. 




Module 1

Paulina Macías
Sandra Hernández
Jaime Font
Confederación Indígena del Barrio de San Francisquito

2022-08-09       (01)
In-person, not recorded. Paulina Macías Nuñez, director of the Museo Regional, introduces the museum and its collections.

2022-08-15       (02)
In-person, not recorded. Sandra Hernández, of Vita Flumen and Fujifilm, introduces the art of urban observation and photography.

2022-08-16       (03)
In-person, not recorded. Jaime Font, author of multiple books on the architecture of Franciscan ex-convent and former director of the school of architecture at Tec, guides us on a walking tour of Museo Regional and its historical contexts.

2022-08-25       (04)
In-person, not recorded. Braulio and Juan Carlos, members of the Confederación Indígena del Barrio de San Francisquito, discuss the history of their neighborhood, the local traditions of ritual and resistance, and the ongoing mobilizations against gentrification and displacement.

Module 2

Ian Erickson + Oliver Moldow
Leah Wulfman
Yu-Ting Chang
Ana Trujillo

Claudia Romero - Bajo Tierra Museo de Agua
ebere agwuncha
Andy Lee + Chelsea Kilburn + Kari Roynesdal
David Jimene Guillen

2022-08-29       (05)
Virtual, recorded. Ian Erickson, of Harvard GSD and Disc Journal, and Oliver Moldow, of University of Stuttgart, share their project Pneu History: Re-Completing the National Monument of Scotland and its many afterlives across multiple media.

2022-09-01       (06)
Virtual, recorded. Leah Wulfman, Walter B. Sanders Fellow at the Taubman School of Architecture, shares a sampling of their work which assembles hybrid virtual and physical spaces in order to prototype new relationships to technology and nature.

2022-09-05       (07)
Virtual, recorded. Yu-Ting Chang, of Sci-Arc and Kent State University, shared some of his work and in his presentation talked about why AR? 

2022-09-06       (08)
In person, not recorded.  Ana Angelina Trujillo, architectural restoration + structural repair expert and co-founder of TRUBAR, shares past and ongoing projects as well as restoration theories and techniques.

2022-09-08       (09)
In-person, recorded. Claudia Romero from Bajo Tierra Museo de Agua gives a guided tour the virtual museum’s exhibition Historias que andan and shares the stories of Carrillo Puerto residents who lived through forced displacement by water-thirsty industries.

2022-09-08       (10)
Virtual, recorded. ebere agwuncha shares their recent exhibition owoko, part of the series Creating Care-filled Igbo Architectures, as well as some of the process and relationship-building behind the work.

2022-09-12       (11)
Virtual, recorded. Andy Lee, Chelsea Kilburn, and Kari Roynesdal share their ASLA awarded project Retreat Yourself: Moving Ground, Preserving Place and interrogate the various rights associated with property over extended timescales.

2022-09-13       (12)
In-person, not recorded. David Jiménez presents some of the ways that preservation and conservation of historic structures in Querétaro and in Mexico are legally codified.

Module 3

Israel Viadest
Elisa Rodríguez -
Arta Perezic

2022-09-19       (13)
In-person, not recorded. Israel Viadest of Near Future Laboratory facilitates a speculative design workshop using a card game as a launching pad.

2022-09-20       (14)
In-person, not recorded. Elisa Rodríguez of facilitates an analog collage workshop using a mix of students’ drawings and maps, archival photos and prints, and vintage magazines.

2022-09-23       (15)
Virtual, recorded. Arta Perezic of GSD and Johnston Marklee Architects shares the model-making processes behind several academic projects and provides a primer on casting.

Module 4

Alberto Meouchi
Bailey Brown
Isabel Strauss
christin hu

Fiona Riley
Elif Erez
Sophie Chien
Francois Sabourin

Jakob Junghanss
Kathlyn Kao

2022-10-26       (16)
Virtual, recorded. In a series of pechakucha presentations, Alberto Meouchi, Bailey Brown, Isabel Strauss, christin hu, Fiona Riley, Elif Erez, Sophie Chien, Francois Sabourin, and Jakob Junghanss share a range of ideas and speculations that expand the architecture project through care-full world-building and the design of processes, infrastructures, institutions, methods, protocols, narratives.

2022-11-01       (17)
Virtual, recorded. Kathlyn Kao, of EPFL and RIOT lab, shares her thesis and speculates about spatial practice based on longing and kinship.