Arquitectura Avanzada 
QRO - AD2024

Repair the School / School of Repair:
How will we learn spatial practice in the future?


Concentración de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 

Laboratorio de Arquitectura Avanzada

Arquitectura Avanzada
QRO - AD2024

Assignment 1:

Notecard due on Wednesday August 7, 2024 (to be completed in class)

Due on August 11, 2024
“Repair occupies and constitutes an aftermath growing at the margins, breakpoints, and interstices of complex sociotechnical systems as they creak, flex, and bend their way through time. It fills in the moment of hope and fear in which bridges from old worlds to new worlds are built…” (Steven Jackson)

“Maintenance at any particular site, or on any particular body or object, requires the maintenance of an entire ecology: attending to supply chains, instruments, protocols, social infrastructures, and environmental conditions.” (Shannon Mattern)

From your reading responses, our class inputs and discussions so far, create an initial personal reflection using at least one set of prompts below.

Please include one “page” with a written/verbal reflection (could be prose, poetry, dialogue, etc), and one “page” with a drawn/visual/sensorial reflection (could be a sketch, collage, mixed media, soundscape, art, etc). Somewhere in the submissions, please cite at least three references that inspired or provoked you - it can include the references from class or from your initial response. Have fun with this!

Each individual submits independently.

Sets of Prompts:

  • What does ‘repair’ mean to you?
  • What needs repair? How can this be brought into processes of architecture learning?

  • Think about how and what you learn in architecture school as it is right now. 
  • What is something you think you would maintain, for schools in 2050? 
  • What is something that you would change or repair, for schools in 2050?

  • What are skills/abilities/subjects/values that architects are learning in 2024?
  • What are skills/abilities/subjects/values that architects should be learning in 2050?
  • What are skills/abilities/subjects/values that architects should be unlearning or rejecting in 2050?

  • What is one class or subject that you would add?
  • What is one department that you would add?
  • What is one institutional change that you would make?
  • What is a studio method or format change that you would make?


  • Physical:  Double-sided hole-punched notecard. This will be provided in class on Wednesday and we will complete this portion in class.
  • Digital:  Open format media - feel free to experiment. Two “pages” or the equivalent. Submit to Canvas AND Upload to your