Student Activities and Projects
As the semester continues, we will use this space to share some student activities and projects.
1 Repair Manual
glass shards > landscape for jewelry
how to fix a tire
2 Taking Stock
(José Carlos)
Practices of Maintenance in the Museo Regional
3 Artifact as Portal
4 Legal Interventions
Comité Ciudadano Cultural + INAH
(Ley Federal sobre Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicos, Artísticos e Históricos)
Programa de cuidado colectivo de banquetas
(Reglamento de Construcción para el Municipio de Querétaro)
(Reglamento de Construcción para el Municipio de Querétaro)
5a Future Histories (analog collage)
(José Miguel)
5b Future Histories (animations)
0 Collective Model
8 Project
Degrowing the city, growing wellness
(Miguel, Paulina, Sofi)
(Gaby, Paola)
(Gaby, Paola)