Arquitectura Avanzada 
QRO - AD2024

Repair the School / School of Repair:
How will we learn spatial practice in the future?


Concentración de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño 

Laboratorio de Arquitectura Avanzada

Arquitectura Avanzada
QRO - AD2024

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Amet

Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam feugiat metus non ex accumsan bibendum. Duis et enim quis ante elementum lobortis ut suscipit nisi. Ut lacinia odio id elit faucibus, in elementum sapien gravida. Morbi interdum urna sit.

Fusce ornare sed erat eu sagittis. Nunc feugiat sit amet tortor lobortis ullamcorper. Sed sed tellus blandit, rhoncus ante at, cursus nibh. Morbi vehicula tristique imperdiet. Praesent iaculis eros purus, vel semper purus aliquam et. Phasellus luctus felis at ex commodo sodales. Nullam aliquet purus ex, nec accumsan elit sodales ac. Nullam sit amet vestibulum ex. Nulla suscipit massa quis urna maximus pretium vel quis tellus. Morbi placerat nibh mauris, eu ornare dolor commodo sit amet. Nullam interdum a lorem vel imperdiet. Morbi congue lacus eu sapien mollis, sit amet placerat arcu gravida. Fusce iaculis blandit rhoncus. Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet. Curabitur et nunc vehicula, fringilla nulla tincidunt, consectetur turpis. Sed sodales leo justo, ut aliquam ligula ullamcorper ut. Sed ultrices odio vitae lorem finibus aliquam. 


(stat about how rate of growth and new construction in qro)
(stat about ignoring indig wisdom)

on non-extractive futures

on material stories and explorations

and application of digital and analog technologies

This studio begins just over a few days after this year’s Earth Overshoot Day on August 2 - the day that the Earth will have used up all the resources that it regenerates during the entire year. It’s a stark call to end this rate of extraction, and to prioritize resources towards life and well-being rather than profit and accumulation.

In this studio we will explore and lift up practices that point towards alternative approaches to architecture that subvert, interrogate, refuse, or dance around regimes of endless accumulation –  particularly those approaches that forefront building re-practices such as collective scaffolding, reusing, redistributing, repairing the built environment around us instead of demolishing or creating anew.

Every week we will spend a day on site from which we retrieve, repair, adapt, and transform what is needed to move forward into non-extractive futures. Here, we will work with the fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities that will make up future worlds. 

We will begin with hands-on repairs and with care-full examination of what exists: taking stock of the buildings, practices, histories, and materials at the edges of the Centro Historico. From here, we will launch our speculations rooted in histories of place and in ecological and social justice. Together with our students, we hope to create portals into a world that centers collective care and repair, through collective imagining and world-building.

Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet. Curabitur et nunc vehicula, fringilla nulla tincidunt, consectetur turpis. Sed sodales leo justo, ut aliquam ligula ullamcorper ut. Sed ultrices odio vitae lorem finibus aliquam. Curabitur eu rutrum nulla. Etiam dapibus justo id facilisis ullamcorper.